restorative circle

Restorative Practice in Sea View


Article 12: Your right to say what you think should happen and to be listened to.

Our school is positive and child centred, with a strong emphasis on pupil voice, personal responsibility and emotional literacy.

The aim of Restorative Practice is to develop community and focus on resolving conflict at the earliest possible stage, seeking to avoid blame and and supporting people to take responsibilty for finding constructive solutions to issues.  It encourages effective communication and working towards positive outcomes. Restorative Practice is a philosophy and ought to guide the way we act in everything we do.

Sea View Primary is a Restorative School.  We believe that Restorative Practice is the heart of our school and we use it throughout every aspect of school life.  We believe that for children to be ready to learn, they must firstly feel happy, secure and safe. Restorative Practice helps our children to develop social interaction, emotional literacy and understanding the impact of positive and negative behaviour.